Upgrading React Native: Helper Functions for a Smooth Transition from 0.59 to 0.61

Upgrading React Native


Popular JavaScript framework for building mobile applications is React Native. With each new release, React Native introduces enhancements, bug fixes, and performance improvements. Upgrading React Native from one version to another is an essential task to leverage these advancements. In this article, we will explore some helper functions that can assist in the smooth transition from React Native 0.59 to 0.61. We will also briefly touch upon upgrading from 0.60 to 0.61.

I. Understanding the Need for Upgrading React Native:

Before diving into the details of upgrading, it is crucial to understand why it is necessary. Upgrading React Native offers several benefits, such as improved performance, security fixes, access to new features, and enhanced compatibility with the latest libraries and tools.

II. Upgrading React Native from 0.59 to 0.60:

When upgrading React Native from version 0.59 to 0.60, it is important to be aware of the major changes introduced in the latter version. The most significant change in React Native 0.60 is the removal of the dependency on the React Native CLI. The new version relies on the use of React Native’s own CLI, which simplifies the project structure and offers a more streamlined development experience.

To upgrade from 0.59 to 0.60, follow these steps:

Install React Native CLI globally:

  • Use the command npm install -g react-native-cli to install the CLI globally.

Upgrade React Native in your project:

  • Navigate to your project’s root directory and execute react-native upgrade.
  • This command will fetch the latest version of React Native and apply the necessary changes to your project.

Update your project’s dependencies:

  • Open your package.json file and update the “react-native” dependency to “^0.60.0”.

Remove the Android and iOS project files:

  • In the root directory, delete the /android and /ios directories.

Regenerate the Android and iOS project files:

  • Execute react-native eject to regenerate the platform-specific files.

III. Upgrade React Native from 0.60 to 0.61:

If you have already upgraded to React Native 0.60 and want to move to version 0.61, the process is relatively straightforward. React Native 0.61 introduced several bug fixes and performance improvements. Follow these steps to upgrade:

Update your project’s dependencies:

  • Open your package.json file and update the “react-native” dependency to “^0.61.0”.

Update the Android and iOS project files:

  • Navigate to the /android directory and execute ./gradlew wrapper –gradle-version 6.3.
  • Open the /android/build.gradle file and update the Gradle version to 6.3.1.
  • In the /ios directory, update the Cocoapods by executing npx pod-install.

IV. Helper Functions for a Smooth Transition:

During the upgrade process, it is common to encounter breaking changes or deprecated APIs. To assist in addressing these issues, here are some helper functions that can be utilized:


  • This library helps in renaming your React Native project.
  • It automates the process of updating the project name in various files and configurations.


  • This library automates the process of upgrading your React Native project.
  • It analyzes your project’s dependencies and suggests updates for smoother migration.


  • This tool assists in bumping the version of your React Native project.
  • It helps update the version number in relevant files, such as package.json and android/app/build.gradle.


Upgrading React Native is crucial to ensure that your mobile application benefits from the latest features and improvements. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can smoothly upgrade your React Native project from version 0.59 to 0.61. Additionally, utilizing helper functions like react-native-rename, react-native-upgrade, and cli-bump can simplify the process by automating certain tasks. Stay up-to-date with the latest releases and leverage the power of react native upgrade helper to create high-quality mobile applications.

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Written by Julie Bowen


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