5 Types of Web Designs to avoid for better UX in 2021

A UI or user interface is the gateway to the website. A UX or user experience depends on how a website’s UI is designed. While there are expert web designers in the market for great UIs, everyone is not a master at web designing.

This is where the difference lies. Think of the importance of web UI design when 94% of website first impressions depend on it. A user interface is a suite of several design components.

And each component design can make or break a web design. So, let’s understand five such UI design mistakes for a web designer to avoid for better UX in 2021.

1. Ad Placements:

We all know that ads are important for many websites. All the websites on the internet can’t afford to stay alive without a valid source of revenue. But, placing the ad at the right place is a designing prowess.

Advertisements may be the source of revenues for websites. But, they are also the source of users driven away from your site. So, never design your website with ads placed directly over your essential content.

2. CTAs:

Most of the designers falter at achieving the correct CTAs or Call To Action. A CTA is a key to your business revenues. Whether it is a download, a subscription, or a contact CTA, they all count.

With 70% of business without proper or even no CTA’s, you need to design your CTA right.

3. Menubar:

What is the first thing that appears on a landing page? Yes, you have guessed it right! Its a menu bar. Most designers play with menubars to create something out of the box. But that is precisely what designers should avoid.

A menubar is like a map with directions. It shows users several different menus and sub-menus for web pages. So, keeping the simple design works like magic.

4. Communications:

One of the most fundamental design mistakes in modern web design is the lack of communication tab. Your business needs to get in touch with your consumers. So, the lack of clear communication across your website can hurt you.

The best way to induce a communication tab on your website is either on the header or footer.

5. Content Distribution:

If your web designer is unaware of your vision, then this mistake is inevitable. Many web designers try to achieve too much with UI that content curation is left out. The result is too much content without the right placement.

It leads to lower lead generation and fewer revenues. The best way to tap into audiences is by keeping the content according to the target. Place your main content visible. Keep secondary content placed well for viewers to reach after the main content.


Through their several other aspects of web design to keep in mind, these are some to be considered. A web designer should be able to keep the UI simple, secure, and user-friendly. Any firm should know what they want from their website, and this should reflect in its design.


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Written by Amie


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